An Inquiry into Christianity

by Dr. Ken Matto


In a day when many are seeking answers to their spiritual questions, there will be many who will make serious inquiry about Christianity. The purpose of this writing is to answer some legitimate inquires that a seeking man or woman would have. My desire is to shed some light on the truth of Christianity and to dispel any preconceived myths concerning Christianity.

There are subjects and issues not covered and this is not intentional because there are so many areas of life which Christianity touches upon that it would be impossible to cover. I have focused on the major issues which are normally obfuscated by public opinion and philosophy. There may be views in this study which differ from other points of view but keep in mind as you read that the Bible in the King James Version is the final authority and not pastors or theologians (this author included). Though they may guide you, the final answers lie in the pages of Holy Writ. I pray that many of your basic questions will be answered. I have kept the answers to minimal wordiness so you will only receive the answer and not hyperbole or philosophy (Christianity is not a philosophy). The question will come first, then the answer, and the Scripture reference in parenthesis.

1. What does "Born Again" really mean?

1. Jesus used the phrase "born again" in John 3:3 in his dialogue with a Pharisee named Nicodemus. This term literally means "born from above." When a person is born into the world, that person is born with a sin nature and a dead spirit toward God. We have physical life but not spiritual life. When a person receives Jesus Christ as personal Savior, the Holy Spirit indwells that person. The Holy Spirit, being God Himself, makes that person alive unto God. The first time a person is born, they have physical life, and when they are born again, they have spiritual life from above. The second birth is what prepares a person for heaven. Born again simply means being made spiritually alive through receiving Christ as personal Savior. It is great mystery why eternal God chooses to live inside His children. (Psalm 51:5; Psalm 58:3-5; John 3:3; 2 Corinthians 3:3; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Titus 3:5; 1 Peter 1:23)


2. Who is Jesus Christ?

2. Jesus Christ is the second person of the trinity. He is God, co-equal with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. The name "Christ" means anointed. He is the Jewish Messiah and the Savior of all who receive Him as their personal Savior. Jesus Christ was the long awaited, prophesied Messiah who came to Israel. The prophecies of His first coming are interspersed throughout the Old Testament. He is not just a good teacher or prophet but is God Himself who was manifest in the flesh. He is the sinless Lamb of God. The unblemished lamb in the Old Testament was used for sacrifice. (Isaiah 9:6-7; Micah 5:2; Matthew 16:16; John 1:1-6; Hebrews 1:8)


3. What did Jesus Christ do?

3. Jesus Christ left His glory in Heaven and chose to come to earth and die for the sins of His elect. Literally, God came from heaven, was clothed in flesh, and became a sacrifice to redeem His creation. All the sacrifices in the Old Testament foreshadowed the coming of Christ who would die for His people. It is only through the shed blood of Jesus Christ that we are made acceptable in God’s sight. The Christian is transformed from sinner to Saint, and this applies to all who receive Him. There is no other salvation plan. Jesus fulfilled about 300 prophecies from His birth to ascension, which would be an impossible task if He was only a mere man and not God. Christ is the only door to Heaven, there is no other. (Matthew 1:21; John 1:29; John 14:6; Ephesians 1:1 & 4; Hebrews 9:28; 1 Peter 2:24; 1 John 3:5; Revelation 13:8)


4. Who is the Holy Spirit?

4. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead. He is eternal God and is not an impersonal force as many cults make Him out to be. (John 14:16-17; Romans 1:4; 2 Corinthians 4:13: Ephesians 1:17; 2 Timothy 1:7; Hebrews 10:29; 1 Peter 4:4)


5. What does the Holy Spirit do?

5. The Holy Spirit was active in the creation of the universe. He now indwells Christians and guides them as they walk with God. He imparts wisdom, discernment, knowledge, understanding of the Bible, and many other benefits to the Christian. He sanctifies the Christian in their daily walk. He also distributes spiritual gifts to believers at the moment of their salvation. (Genesis 1:1-2; John 16:7-11; 1 Corinthians 2:12-14; 1 Corinthians 12:11)


6. What is the unpardonable sin?

6. The unpardonable sin occurred when Jesus performed miracles through the power of the Holy Spirit and the religious leaders of that day stated He was under the power of Satan. In essence, the leaders called the Holy Spirit, who is pure and divine, an unclean demon. This was blasphemy of the highest caliber. The unpardonable sin cannot be committed today. (Matthew 12:22-32)


7. What is the Trinity? Don’t you Christians worship three Gods?

7. We Christians worship one God but He is manifest in three distinct persons. This is a great mystery and no one alive can explain it. Beware of those who say they can! The Trinity is composed of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Ancient civilizations such as Egypt and Rome worshipped multiple gods but we worship one God manifest in three distinct persons. (Matthew 28:19-20; John 14:26; 2 Corinthians 13:14; 1 Peter 1:2)


8. What is the Church?

8. Contrary to popular belief, the building with the steeple down the street is not the church. The church as stated in the Bible comes from a Greek word which means "a called out assembly." The building with the steeple is the place where the church (corporate body of believers) meets on Sunday mornings. In essence, the Bible is teaching that born again Christians are the church. When God calls a person to believe in Christ, that person becomes part of that "called out assembly" or the church. (Matthew 16:13-20; Ephesians 2:21; 1 Peter 2:5)


9. Do I have to go to church to be saved?

9. One need not attend church to be saved. I was a member of a church since birth and I was not saved there. God called me in my bedroom while watching an evangelist on TV. The requirement that God has in calling people to salvation is that they must hear the Word of God in some fashion which could be by TV, radio, street preacher, bumper sticker, etc. The method is academic but one must hear the Word of God before one is saved. (Acts 2:41; Romans 10;17; 1 Thess. 2:13)


10. Which church saves?

10. No church can save you, only God can save you through Jesus Christ. However, He does use Bible preaching churches as vehicles to reach people with the gospel. Some churches are built on ritual, avoid these and attend those which extract their teachings from the Bible alone. ( Acts 4:12)


11. What is Christianity?

11. Christianity is God reaching down to man to bring the truth about Himself which has been severely shrouded by religion. Christianity is a discipleship relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, which can never be severed. Jesus Christ is the head of Christianity as the word "Christian" means "an adherent to Christ." (John 17 entire chapter)


12. What is the difference between Christianity and other world religions?

12. The difference is as night and day. All world religions attempt to reach and appease God by good works so they may merit heaven by their good works or their piety. The Bible warns us there is no one that does good or is righteous enough, apart from Christ, to warrant heaven. The Bible is clear that religious people are not seeking after God but are trying to appease their own guilty consciences, or to feel better just in case "someone is up there." The New Testament was written at a time when religions were running rampant in the Roman Empire. The Old Testament is replete with false religions . It is apparent that God holds religion of no value. God has placed His approval on Christianity. (2 Chronicles 33:1-13; Psalm 14:1-3; Psalm 53:1-3; Romans 3:10-18; 1 Thessalonians 1:9)


13. What is the difference between Christians and Born Again Christians?

13. The world has falsely applied the title "Christian" to all those who are not Jewish. This is a drastic error because there is only one kind of Christian. A person is not a Christian because they go to church. One becomes a Christian only if they are born again by the Spirit of God. The name Christian has been made a generic title when it is a specific, qualified name. (John 3:3)


14. What am I saved from?

14. A person who becomes a Christian is saved from hell, which is eternal separation from God in a literal lake of fire. You are also saved from your sins which could physically destroy you like drunkenness. (Revelation 14:11; Revelation 20:10-15)


15. Where is Heaven and Hell located?

15. Contrary to popular opinion, Heaven and Hell are not here on earth at present. As for the specific location of both, at this time the locations are a mystery.


16. What is Hell?

16. The Bible describes hell as a place of everlasting torment into which the unsaved and the angels that rebelled with Satan will be cast. This is for eternity and there is no pardon, parole, or escape. It is a literal lake of fire in which the unsaved will pay for their sins throughout eternity thus vindicating the holiness of God. (Mark 9:43-48)


17. What is Heaven?

17. Heaven is the dwelling place of God. It is a literal, spiritual place. It is a place of peace and joy. No sickness or pain will ever touch the Christian. It is here where the Christian will spend eternity. (Rev. 21:1-6; Rev. 22:1-7)


18. What makes the Bible different from other religious books?

18. First, it must be understood the Bible is not a religious book. The Bible was written by men who were under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and is, from cover to cover, the infallible Word of God to mankind. It was written over a period of about 1100 years, (1450 BC-445 BC & 40AD-100 AD) using some forty writers to accomplish the task. The central theme of the Bible is the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible is a book of redemption. Various religious books such as the book of Mormon, the Koran, and Divine Principle were written by a single author who penned his own views (normally under demonic suggestion) on how to appease God or his concept of Him. These religious books usually read with a condemnatory or judgmental undertone offering no plan of salvation, which is so prevalent in the Bible. (Acts 1:16; 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 2:20-21)


19. Don’t Christians have a long list of do’s and don’ts?

19. Unfortunately many Christians have adopted a do and don’t lifestyle as their Christian walk. They enslave themselves to a laundry list of do’s and don’ts. It is almost the formation of a religion within Christianity. Let me say at this juncture, there are many things that the Bible does prohibit in a Christian’s life and many things it allows. For example, there is nothing wrong with playing golf but a Christian who wishes to be obedient will not play golf on Sunday in lieu of going to Church. The Bible does not teach everything in moderation because under the umbrella of "everything" we must place things like gambling, stealing, etc. You get the picture. The Christian seeks to obey God. (Romans 13:11-14)


20. Why can’t I understand the Bible when I read it?

20. This is precisely how God meant it to be. For a person to understand the Bible they must be born again. The same Holy Spirit who inspired the Bible will indwell the believer and help interpret the Bible. There is no understanding of the Bible apart from the Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 2:13-14)


21. Will I be able to have any fun if I become a Christian?

21. When a person becomes saved and is indwelled by the Holy Spirit, that person will have a desire to have clean fun. I normally attend a few Bible conferences each year and I have never been bored. Christians love to have fun, after all, we are forgiven and redeemed so we enjoy life. If your idea of fun is drinking all night or watching X rated movies, this is sin, not fun. God has designed clean fun to help our bodies, not to hurt them. God does not prohibit things like football, boating, fishing, hunting, etc. These things only become a hindrance to a Christian if they become idols in their lives. (1 John 5:21)


22. What must I do to become a Christian?

22. No human on earth can do anything to merit salvation. God has only one salvation plan in the Bible and that is receiving Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. Since man is a sinful creature, he has no ability within himself or his religions to warrant God’s favor. Jesus Christ is the only way to God the Father. The Bible states if you reject Christ, then you are also rejecting God the Father. Without Christ no one can become a Christian. (Matthew 11:27; Romans 10:9-13)


23. Must I join a church?

23. The Bible states that one must have fellowship with other believers on a regular basis and the place to do this is at a good Bible teaching church. By attending a fellowship you will have the opportunity to build close relationships with other believers while strengthening others and being built up in the faith yourself. No believer can progress in their Christian life while remaining a recluse. A good church offers many opportunities to serve God and believe me, there are very few true pastors who do not welcome the help in their ministry. (Hebrews 10:24-25)


24. Will I have to give up all my possessions?

24. Becoming a Christian does not necessarily mean that you give up all your possessions. God does not strip us of our possessions (unless He deems it necessary if we have set them up as gods in our life) because He knows we still need them. What we desire now is an understanding of the relationship of our possessions to God. The Bible states that God owns everything in the world, so we must realize that we are stewards of God’s possessions. Let me give a quick analysis on how we are to view our earthly goods. The TV that I watched pornography on is now used to watch ministries. The radio I played rock and roll on now plays Christian music. Instead of drinking beer, I now drink spring water to keep my body as healthy as possible. God desires us to exchange our detrimental use of His goods for proper Christian usage, to bring glory to Him because He so richly deserves it. As one grows in the Christian faith their desire for material possessions will diminish. (Psalm 24:1; Psalm 50:7-12)


25. What happens at death?

25. Death is no great mystery. Death is the separation of the spirit from the body. There is no intermediate state or graduation to a spiritual plane as some religions teach. The Bible is very clear on this subject. Those who die with Christ as savior go immediately to be with Him. Those who die unsaved go to a place of silence until the last day when they are resurrected to stand for judgment, then they will be cast into Hell for eternity. (Psalm 115:17; 2 Corinthians 5:8)


26. What about giving up my friends?

26. When a person becomes a Christian they will begin to cultivate new friendships with other Christians. If a person is living the Christian life, it is a high probability that your old friends will give you up. This does not mean that you cannot stay in touch but as you give your testimony about Christ to them, they will exit on their own. (1 Corinthians 15:33; 1 Peter 4:1-5)


27. How will I know if I am born again?

27. This is a common question posed by many Christians. The key to knowing if you are born again is your desires. When a person receives Christ and afterwards begins to desire the things of God and simultaneously begin to dislike the things of the world, then you are beginning to desire the spiritual life and only a person who is born again will desire the things of God. If you believe you have received Christ but still desire to cling to the old habits, then the possibility exists you are not saved. You may have had a religious experience and not salvation. Understand that Christians are not perfect, we have our problems too, but the key is that sin becomes the exception and not the rule. (Romans 8:15-16; Galatians 4:5-6; 1 John 4:13)


28. What do you Christians call sin?

28. Sin is transgression or violation of God’s holy law and it demands judgment. The entire human race is born into sin. There is no such thing as a good person in God’s sight, only a redeemed person. Being good does not secure a place in heaven, only being redeemed by Christ will. Only Christ can remove our sin so we can be pronounced pure by God. Every single person on earth is a sinner, no matter how good they look on the outside. (Deuteronomy 25:16; 1 Kings 8:46; Psalm 5:4; Psalm 11:5; Luke 16:15; 1 John 3:4)


29. What about smoking and drinking?

29. God does not approve of either smoking or drinking because, as Christians, God has placed the Holy Spirit within us. We are the temple of God. God forbids us to destroy our bodies as both smoking and drinking does. The main ingredient is ethyl alcohol (c2h5oh) which is a deadly poison to the body. The Holy Spirit is God Himself, and His name implies He is holy and must dwell in a holy temple. Tobacco and alcohol are both pollutants and destroyers of that temple. If God has redeemed you, how can you be a testimony for God with a drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other? (Exodus 20:13; Matthew 19:18; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20; 1 Peter 4:15)


30. Don’t all religions lead to God?

30. For the past near 2000 years, religion has been striving to replace Christianity. Religion is the outright enemy of Christianity because we read in the Scriptures that it was the religious crowd that called for the death of Christ. Today we have religions that tell us good works will get us to heaven, that we must look inside ourselves as the answer lies within us, or you must be a faithful devotee to some type of ritual, etc. Only Christianity has the path to God and that is through Christ. A true seeker of God must surrender themselves at the foot of the cross and receive Christ. Religion is man made and designed to appease an angry God with certain works. This will fail because God has only one salvation plan and that is through Christ. (John 14:6)


31. Which churches are the best ones to join?

31. If you search for a church, make sure the pastor is a saved man as many are not. The church must have Christ as central and the Bible (preferably the King James Version) must be their guidebook. Avoid churches where they speak in tongues, seek signs, have women pastors or elders, where no one brings a Bible to church, have icons or statues, or is a dead church. The best one to join is the one that exalts Christ and is missions minded. (Mark 7:6-9; 1 Timothy 2:11-15)


32. Will I have to become a missionary and live in a grass hut?

32. This is the worry of many but it lacks foundation. A great majority of Christians have never stepped outside the boundaries of the United States. This does not mean that God may not choose you for a specific task. He may ask you to go to a mission field or He may have you minister right here at home. If He does call you to the ministry in a foreign country, it is better to go than stay home and live in disobedience. If God sends you, be assured that He will provide for you. (Isaiah 52:7; Acts 16:9-11; Romans 10:14-15)


33. What about reading my horoscope?

33. This is a biblical absolute which is non-debatable. A horoscope is produced by means of astrology which is absolutely forbidden by God. Only God is the holder and revealer of tomorrow, and He normally reveals it one day at a time. Astrology, mediums, fortune tellers, psychics, etc., are all arts of the occultist and must be avoided by God’s people. God does not take horoscopes or any facet of occultism lightly, and neither should we, since the penalty of Hell is pronounced on all who partake in the occult. (Deuteronomy 18:9-12; Isaiah 47:12-14)


34. Will people reject me if I become a Christian?

34. When a person becomes a Christian they may face rejection by friends and possibly family. Remember, when a person rejects you, it is not really you they are rejecting, they are rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ was rejected by many in His days on earth. God will not abandon us on earth without any mutual support which we receive from Christians. The ones who will reject you will be the ones who are hostile to Christ and these have been around since the inception of the church. (Matthew 8:34; John 12:48; John 15:18-25)


35. What if my family disowns me?

35. This happens all over the world as people become Christians. Some Jewish, Hindu, and Islamic families hold funerals for members who become Christians. Unless your family has an anti-Christian attitude, it is a good possibility you will not be disowned. If you are, go immediately into prayer and ask God to help you, since He saved you He will also sustain you. God is sovereign and can do anything, so if you are plunged into the situation of disownment, then you can count strongly on God. (Psalm 27:10-11)


36. What is Prayer?

36. Prayer is simple communication between you and God. There is no mystery about it. Some religions require certain dress or ritual before you are allowed to pray. The Bible teaches that one who is born again may come into the presence of God through Christ. Prayer is pouring out your heart unto God. Some of the elements of prayer are praise, thanksgiving, petition, just telling God you hurt, etc. Prayer is a vital component of the Christian life. It is also the first resort, not the last. (1 Chronicles 16:11; Matthew 7:7; Luke 18:1; Ephesians 6:18; 1 Thessalonians 5:17)


37. Who is the Devil?

37. The devil is known as Satan, which means "adversary." He is the outright enemy of Christ, Christians, and the human race in general. He cannot possess a Christian and he is not all powerful. The Bible states that he will appear in these last days as an angel of light which means his chief mode of operation will be deception. Hollywood has portrayed Satan as one with mighty powers which cannot be challenged. His power was broken at the cross. No credence should be given to Hollywood movies like the Exorcist, and ones like it. The Bible presents Satan as a defeated foe, and that is how he is to be treated. Keep in mind Satan is a cunning foe. (John 8:44; 2 Thessalonians 2:8; 1 Peter 5:8; 1 John 3:8; Revelation 12:9)


38. Many times TV portrays Protestant ministers as idiots, is there any truth to this?

38. The media is anti-Christian and intentionally seeks to discredit Protestant Christianity. When they continually knock Christianity on a program place no confidence in their views. The media is a change agent for the amoral humanistic views of its owners and writers. Most Protestant ministers are very hard working and give their lives for their people. They point people to Christ, not to a saint, church, or ritual. Christians are blessed because of their extra efforts. (Deuteronomy 7:26; Isaiah 8:20)


39. What do Christians think of military service?

39. Christians do not oppose military service because it is an honor to serve our country if one is physically able. In the Old Testament God had allowed Israel to build an army and He gave guidelines for it. There are many fine Christians in the armed services. (Deuteronomy 24:5; 1 Samuel 17:36)


40. I’ve been baptized and I go to church, doesn’t that make me a Christian?

40. When you went to McDonalds did that make you a hamburger? Christianity is not attained by ritual. It is something that happens to a person from the inside, which means you must be born again by the Spirit of God. Being baptized and going to church is a result of becoming a Christian, not a cause of it. (Ephesians 2:8-9)


41. How come you Christians never sin but everybody else does?

41. Any Christian who tells you they do not commit sins is lying to you and thus sinning because of that lie. God views a Christian as sinless only because of His Son Jesus Christ, who was a sinless sacrifice. The sin of the Christian is removed by vicarious (substitutionary) atonement of Christ. The situation is that Christians still have bodies that lust after sin. At the moment of salvation we receive our resurrected souls but our physical bodies are still headed for the grave because of the infestation of sin. Christians will commit sin but our sins, past, present, and future have already been paid for by Christ. This does not mean a Christian has a license to sin, if they think that way, they are probably still unsaved. (1 John 1:8-10)


42. What about TV preachers, are they all crooks?

42. There are some who engage themselves in certain occupations just to gain wealth. Not every TV preacher is on the level, as some are raking in the money by emotional appeals and promises of health and wealth. Do not send any money to them until you check them out and listen to see if they are preaching the truth of Scripture and not using biased terminology to manipulate you into emptying your wallet. (2 Corinthians 12:18; 1 Timothy 6:5)


43. Won’t God weigh my good deeds against my bad deeds?

43. This type of philosophy teaches that man can gain salvation by works. This is false because a person’s destiny is determined here on earth before death. If a person remains in unbelief, they will be judged and cast into Hell. If a person receives Christ, they immediately go to be with Him upon physical death. The Bible is very clear that no type of works will merit heaven. I would not want my deeds weighed up and compared because God also counts the thoughts of man. My thought life alone would negate any good works I’ve done and would ultimately gain me eternal damnation. (Matthew 7:21-23; Galatians 2:16; Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:4-5)


44. Are we living in the last days?

44. The Bible teaches that the last days commenced from the time of Christ’s crucifixion in 33 AD. However, it is my personal belief that we are in the last of the last days based upon two reasons: First, the acceleration of evil in society; and secondly, the apostasy which is invading the church at such a rapid rate. I believe we are very close to the last day and it is imperative everyone get their spiritual house in order. (Hebrews 1;2; 1 John 2:18)


45. Doesn’t science have all the answers?

45. The word "science" comes from the Latin word "scienta" which simply means "knowledge." As with all things related to man, science is limited in its understanding of everything. We are told that man evolved but no proof exists only theories. We are told the earth is four billion years old but geophysic pressures under the earth are still very strong which suggests a young earth. There is at present much evidence surfacing which proves this earth is about 13,000 years old. Science does not have all the answers because man is finite and his knowledge is limited. (2 Timothy 1:7)


46. I’m Jewish and isn’t Christianity my enemy?

46. Christ was a Jew and so were His twelve Apostles. All the sacrifices and offerings in the Old Testament were a foreshadowing of the coming of Christ whose sacrifice would be the final one for sin. When God called Israel to be His people, He was using this nation as a figure of the church which was brought into existence through Christ. Once Christ went to the cross, God’s special relationship with national Israel was dissolved and a new one with His church began. The church was to be universal in scope as there would be Christians from every country on earth brought into His kingdom. So Christianity is not the enemy of the Jew but rather a glorious fulfillment of the Old Testament sacrifices and mystery. (Acts 2:1-40; Acts 7:38)


47. Will I have to abandon my life’s goals?

47. This is a hard question to answer because each person that becomes a Christian will have different goals. Let me say this, that if your goals are not in keeping with the Christian life, then no doubt you will desire to change them to God glorifying goals. For example, you may want to open a music store and sell rock and roll music. Rock and roll is anti-Christian and would not be in keeping with the Christian life, so you would want to abandon that goal. On the other hand you may want to open a deli, and there is nothing wrong with that, unless you plan on being open on Sunday. A Christian will set their life’s goals in keeping with biblical principles, always realizing that God can change them at any time. (Psalm 25:9; Psalm 37:23; Psalm 73:24; Isaiah 42:16)


48. What about if I fall back into my old ways?

48. If a Christian falls back into their old ways, they may be assured that we have an advocate with the Father, who is Jesus Christ. If we are truly a believer we will feel guilt about our sins because the Holy Spirit will convict us. If you have no remorse about going back into your old ways, then the possibility exists you were never saved because sinful lifestyles are not in keeping with the Christian calling. (1 John 2:1)


49. How do Christians feel about Capital Punishment?

49. I cannot speak for others but a person’s feelings are not to be trusted. The Bible states that if a man kills another man intentionally, then his life is to taken. God has ordained government for the purpose of preserving society and if capital punishment is legalized by the government, then regardless of feelings, it is a proper punishment to fit the crime. (Genesis 9:26; Exodus 21:14)


50. How do Christian feel about guns?

50. I cannot speak for others on this point also but a gun in the hand of a criminal is as dangerous as a knife in the hand of a criminal. Do we ban all knives? Guns are a personal item in the life of an individual. The Bible allows for self-defense while condemning murder by any means. Before one picks on guns and tries to get them banned, one should ponder the conditions in Red China. (2 Chronicles 26:9-15)


51. Will I have to give away all my money?

51. God knows we must live in this world and this life requires funds for everyday use. A person is not required to give all their money because that would be unwise stewardship. When a person becomes a Christian, I usually encourage them to tithe, which means giving ten percent of their take home pay to God’s work. God has wonderful promises for those who trust Him from the heart with their money. The reality of it is that all money is God’s and we are just stewards of a certain portion of it. When a Christian discovers God’s promises for giving, they are normally desirous to start a planned program of giving. (Proverbs 3:9-10; Malachi 3:10-12; Luke 6:38; 2 Corinthians 9:7)


By now I pray that you have a fair understanding of some Christian beliefs which you may have wondered about. I hope I was able to shed some light on Christianity and to clarify some issues that may have been to presented to you in an unclear manner. You should definitely look up the reference verses under each of the answers and you will see how the Bible is the guidebook for Christians. There will be many more questions but remember that the Bible does have all the answers and it is important that we get to know it. This will come in time as it is impossible to know everything in a short time. I pray that as you ponder the answers you will realize that Christianity does differ from world religions. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. May God richly bless you.
