Linda's Poems



Another year's goodbye is faced
Somber skies deposit bitter taste
Leaves the air flavored sour
Right through lonely midnight hours
Mounds surmount on every side
containing ancient ages which since have died
Mounds they form- too large to climb
All but diesel and steel attempts - resign
Uninvited familiar caller flowed
Through pages of life where memories stowed.
Warped now, beauty, smiles and cheers do crest
After days of shattering destruction rest
Once these mounds formed a welcomed guest
Now leave tears and battered breast

Yet hearken unto the Voice of Hope
One last time before you go!
These are not all treasured stored
These, your golden trinkets, HE's already restored
And ones restored are kept above
Where rains and rivers can not flood
To our loved ones from long ago
These, our treasures he does bestow
so when you reach there they will appear
Anew, those dampened mounds - you held dear.

Now HE gives you the prayers of all
Who've been crying with you from your shore
And with that blessed knowledge that Noah knew
When dove descend' b'fore rainbow's hue
HE'LL bring safely through the storms which mock
The ones who stand on SOLID ROCK
